Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Our Family

I am trying something new - well, new to me. Everyone else is blogging and I absolutely love hearing from all of you. I can't promise how faithful I will be, but I will try my best. As long as people keep coming to look then my feelings will go unhurt and I will try to continue! 8-)

This will be a mixture of our kids and my scrapbook designs. I can tell you right now that the scrapbook designs will probably be minimal as I don't really have a place to scrapbook yet in the new house. Oh, yes. You will probably get some pics of the house as well.

Again - I am just learning this so feel free to laugh!!

Love to all!


kimmy222 said...

congrats on the new house - i'm so happy for you - you'll have to post pictures of it. i have a blog and i'm SO behind on it.

sankey family said...

way to go, girl. i have a blog, too but it's pitifully elementary because i have no idea what i'm doing...
love you...

Scrapthat said...

Hey there Girl!! Hope you had the happiest of Holidays!! Thanks for the know how lousy I am at correspondence...please forgive me! I have missed chatting with ya' so I guess this is as good as I get eh?
Enjoy your blogging

Scrapthat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Myranda said...

I'm not sure who left that other comment - I didn't knowingly delete. Try again!


Anonymous said...

Hey...this looks great. I am looking forward to seeing your house sometime.

Love you, sissy. ('member when you used to call me that?it wasn't like we were 2 and 3 either. more like 24-25. lol!)


Anonymous said...

okay...i did not click on anonymous. how did that happen?

Missy said...

okay...maybe this will work. if not...i just give up!

Myranda said...

It worked, Missy. I don't know why that happened.


sankey family said...

you sure you've never done this before? it looks awesome....HELP!

Anonymous said... this thing on?? Oh there we are! Hello!! Greetings! 2 remarks I would like to make...1. your favorite movie you couldn't remember?? 2. your favorite music....I did NOT see any of my stuff listed, and that hurts!

Happy New Year
Your fav bro in law

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandie! I got the link to your blog from Melodie's. Everything looks great. I will definitly check back often!! I am jelous of your christmas gift!LOL Heather Loper

Anonymous said...

Myranda.... this is so cool. I have never seen it before. I think that your blog looks great.
Love Pam

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if I did this right. Is this the way I can leave a message for Melodie, too? Love you! Mama

Anonymous said...

Hey Myranda, this is such a great idea. You are always so creative. Maybe some day it will rub off on me...Lori